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Working Woman



We understand the significance of maintaining fair practices and complying with labour laws to create a safe and equitable work environment. Our website aims to provide you with the necessary guidance and resources to navigate the process of registering for a Labour License


Whether you're a factory, a commercial establishment, a contractor, or a service provider, we provide insights into the types of businesses that require a Labour License. By understanding the applicability, you can determine if your business falls within the scope of this requirement.

As prescribed by state law, any individual or group running a shop or establishment in Bangalore must obtain certification either online or from a senior labor inspector. This act allows the government to monitor employee working hours, weekly holidays, and the prohibition of child labor. The registration certificate issued by the labor inspector must be displayed in the office premises. According to this act, registration must be completed within 30 days of commencement of business.

Documents for Shops and Establishment In Bangalore

1. Pan card 

2. Aadhar card 

3. Photo

4. Rental Agreement 

5. Nature of business and detail

6. Incorporation Certificate (in case of Private Limited Companies)

7. Partnership Firm Certificate (incase of Partnership Firm)

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